Wasn't conference SO GOOD??? Like why
do I need to write anything else about this week? It was pretty
normal (because normal now means crazy), and it was so great cause
Roneld got baptized!!! This whole letter is probably gonna be about
yesterday haha.
Roneld's baptism was sooo special. The
culture here is a lot different during meetings. It's really loud.
There were a lot of non-members there and every time someone said
something good everyone would be like "amen" or
"hallelujah" and they would clap after the talks. Sorry
but I was dying. It was so funny. It was very good, her family
was there to support her even though they aren't members, and they
were all crying as she bore her testimony after she was baptized.
Her daughter is like 2 and seriously lost it when she went under the
water. She was screaming and crying cause she didn't know what was
happening to her mommy. That was kinda funny. There were 80 people
there and it was seriously ridiculous. We had a potluck after and
that was pretty different too. No one brings salads or vegetables
just stuff like ox tail and rice and beans and tea (awk haha). As we
were watching conference I was seriously staring cause there were so
many white people in the conference center. That's something I
really love about this Ward in particular. It is so diverse.
There are many different ethnicities and personalities (haha but
seriously) and it is good practice in trying to understand where
people are coming from, figuratively and literally.
So this past week...I feel like every
day of my mission I have has at least one clarifying moment in which
a situation I am in testifies to me of the truthfulness of the
gospel. Sometimes the situations are very funny. We were on the bus
on the way to a lesson and we're trying to share #becausehelives
with everyone we possibly could. I shared it with a lady who told me
she is a pastor for her church. She seemed more concerned with
reciting her resume to me than watching the video. That's okay, we
are here to listen to people. She told me of her degrees, her
accomplishments, and her qualifications. She casually mentioned that
she holds the Melchezedick priesthood. I was like "hold
up...you WHAT??" She was like "yeah, I have the
priesthood!" I was like "oh really, and who gave it to
you?" She proceeded swiftly around the question by
telling me about another degree she was getting in humanities. I
didn't want to bash, but I really was curious where she got her
so-called priesthood from so I asked again. She gave me an
awkwardly blank stare and said "this is my stop". That was
one of those such moments where I knew that our church is truly
God's true church on the earth because we have the priesthood and
the power and authority to act in God's name, and although I don't
hold that priesthood I am so grateful I benefit from every single
blessings it offers. This moment was also a time in which I pondered
how people can be so misled when looking for truth. Satan will
distract and deceive all he can to lead them away from the truth. If
we honestly seek for truth I know we will always find it.
Let's see, some more highlights were
helping our Ward Mission Leader fix his deck and making dinner for
their family, service at prospect park again, and sharing the Easter
video with everyone we could. We did especially well with it one
day. We shared it 10 times on the way to a lesson! That afternoon we
went to an elliptical designed to share the video some more. It
started off really well, before we even got on the train I shared it
with a family of 4!! After that I'm not sure what happened, but we
attempted to share it with almost 50 people and every single
one of them rejected us. I was so confused, IT'S EASTER!! Why
don't people want to see a video about Jesus Christ?? As we went
home that night I realized that maybe I was supposed to feel a very
small part of what Christ felt as He suffered for us. I have no idea
what it was like for Him, but I do know that I am so grateful I can
experience a small part of rejection or hardship...we can learn so
much from our trials. I am so grateful for the hard things that have
happened on this mission, I used to think people were so weird when
they prayed for trials, but I understand now why they do so and I
have found myself doing the same thing.
One thing I especially loved from conference was one of the talks from Saturday, the speaker talked about how we must become the masters of our bodies, not the servants. It really reminded me the training we had on our iPads and I had the thought that maybe we were given technology to practice having control over something, and if we can gain control over our use of it we can better gain control over our bodies. I have this weird thing where I like to study words because it helps me understand how they relate to each other. Two I got really interested this week were "disciple" and "discipline." I think it's safe to say that we can't be a true disciple unless we are disciplined in keeping the commandments and following Christ. I feel that the best type of discipline stems from a deep love for our Father and His son, our Savior. Missions are such a blessing in the way that they are the practice round for obeying, committing, and bringing forth the works of true discipleship. Sometimes I wish I could be out here longer because I need more than 18 months of structured practice! But something I've learned is that we should not measure ourselves by how close we are to being perfect. We should measure ourselves by how much we have improved. I love what President Uchtdorf said: "Salvation cannot be bought with the currency of obedience." Our progress depends on how much we rely on the Savior. I'm so grateful we have a living prophet and that we can receive personal revelation today. I love this gospel!!
Thank you for your love and support, I
couldn't do this without you.
Sister Wadsworth
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